
Psychrotrophic bacteria have the natural capability to survive on waste. Anaerobic Bio-digestion Technology uses these bacteria to break down the waste matter into usable water and gas through an anaerobic process. The zero-watse process is not limited by place or temperature and does not need sewerage network or Sewage Treatment Plant(STPs). It is an on-site, independent system and does not required any major infrastructure.

The Revolutionary on-site technology consists of two parts:
  1. The Bacteria formulation known as Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum (AMI or DRDO bacteria).
  2. A specially designed tank called the Bio-Digester Tank (BDT).

The BDT is connected to the outlet of the toilet and can be installed either above or below the ground. The sewage matter flows into the BDT from the toilet and AMI treats it (digest it) into an effiuent that is safe to discharge. The human waste matter is broken down into water, carbon dioxide and methane(biogas).

The Revolutionary on-site technology consists of two parts: